Don’t be a donkey - Derek’s seriously helpful advice
Yesterday, I was interested in learning about Machine learning. A week ago, I wanted to learn Ruby so that I could build something with Ruby on Rails. I am currently reading This is marketing because I wanted to learn marketing. I have also purchased a course on how to play guitar.
Guess how many things I learnt. I have no idea what’s going on with ML. Can’t write a basic HTTP server on Ruby. Haven’t completed reading This is marketing. Haven’t played a single video of How to play Guitar.
I am a donkey according to Derek Sievers. I must not be a donkey.
This is the story he refers:
Buridan’s donkey is standing halfway between a pile of hay and a bucket of water. It keeps looking left and right, trying to decide between hay and water. Unable to decide, it eventually dies of hunger and thirst.
He then advices, do things one by one. Don’t be a donkey.
This is helpful. Thank you Derek. Thank you Prashant sir for introducing me to it.
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